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  1. L

    Expectations with triple feeding

    @filips I should also add that tons of skin to skin encourages successful nursing, both for the baby and for the mama. It took for days of constant contact for her to embrace breastfeeding after the grew accustomed to the ease of the bottle, but she eventually came to prefer the breast. And...
  2. L

    Expectations with triple feeding

    @filips And once is big improvement! I’m glad things are improving. Way to go!
  3. L

    Expectations with triple feeding

    @filips How is it going with the hand pump? I hope well. Thinking of you.
  4. L

    Expectations with triple feeding

    @filips Hang in there, mama! You’re doing great! It’s exhausting, but you are fierce and you will get through it. My little one had a tongue tie and a weak suck even after the tie was released, and my milk was quite late to come in. She dropped to below the first percentile and we had to...