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    I was admitted to L&D Sunday due to contractions

    @b3789 How scary! Glad things settled down. Here's to hoping that they stay that way and you don't have any more contractions!
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    James Anthony - birth story and background

    @boynee Thanks! I'm curious about, too. The intern, resident, and some of the nurses were wowed. Ha. The ob was wise in explaining the anatomy to them, he acted like he'd saw it before.
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    James Anthony - birth story and background

    @sonchoy Hehee! The expressions were priceless :) Are you calling him James all the time, or will he go by Jim or Jimmy?
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    James Anthony - birth story and background

    @simonscion Thank you!
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    James Anthony - birth story and background

    @katrina2017 thank you!
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    James Anthony - birth story and background

    @boysitinhnd94 Thank you!
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    James Anthony - birth story and background

    @katrina2017 thank you!
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    James Anthony - birth story and background

    @iamsue Thank you!
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    James Anthony - birth story and background

    @katrina2017 thank you!
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    James Anthony - birth story and background

    @casey73 Thank you! Haha, I actually laughed when they explained what happened after he was out :) And my daughter really is proud and excited, she can't wait for us to come home tomorrow.
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    James Anthony - birth story and background

    @yana2 You too! Thanks!
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    James Anthony - birth story and background

    @katrina2017 Thank you!
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    James Anthony - birth story and background

    @jerry7 thank you!
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    James Anthony - birth story and background

    @rozmac Thank you!
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    James Anthony - birth story and background

    @jerzy12 Thank you!
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    James Anthony - birth story and background

    Ok, so a bit of background for our newer members: I'm 30, mother to a six year old girl, and suffered one early miscarriage before James entered the picture. I really had a huge scare at 8 weeks with loss of symptoms and gushes of red blood. They couldn't find a reason, things went back to...