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  1. K

    Is having a second kid really worth all the trouble? It looks exponentially harder to go from 1 to 2 kids than zero to 1.

    @christopherpriestley I have a 3 year older brother who was always distant. We don't talk at all. He was always difficult to get along with also for other family members. My bf is a single child, but has a half-sister. We definitely just gonna have one child because of our experience and also...
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    Anyone else not “crave adult interaction”?

    @porven I don’t care about my job at all. Join the club! I swear moms are the only sadists who want to act like we like working, nobody likes working! It’s work!
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    Unmedicated birth advice

    @catholic2001 Honestly I loved my experience! You do get a break in between contractions and I remember me and my husband laughing a little in between (not belly laughs but like dry humor). Also he was really encouraging when I would say things like “it feels like ___ (insert crazy sensation)”...
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    @semiprecious Ugh whyy
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    The Final Straw w/ Husband

    @bigred009 I’m So relieved this ended up A cute thread!
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    Do you think she's hungry? (Rant)

    @inconicranire Colic is a different ball game entirely!
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    People who “diagnose” themselves with fertility issues before they even start trying

    @manitouscott Lol I was accurate with my diagnosis but, just didn’t ever talk about it 😂
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    Losing it; 2 y/o awake for hours at a time. How to break the cycle?

    @maxinvasion You’re welcome!
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    One and done with an easy pregnancy and easy (so far) baby?

    @breanne I had a relatively easy pregnancy and had an easy baby who is now a relatively easy toddler. There's a few different reasons why we decided to be OAD. Some metaphor about walking away from the table when you won the jackpot. Edit: reading the comments I saw someone use this metaphor 😂...
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    Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

    @christopher000 Just curious- how does baby sleep at night? Both my kids cluster fed majorly-from 5-9pm constantly- BUT the both slept super long stretches at night. My Pediatrician said as long as it wasn’t too much for me, it was fine
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    Does anyone else have their newborn live in onesies 24/7?

    @healihealiheal My daughter wore sleepers until she started daycare at five months. At that point, I decided to try to get some use out of the other types of outfits that I had purchased for her. When she was home though, it was back into a sleeper.
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    Unmedicated birth advice

    @catholic2001 I had a similar situation to you— had an epidural for my first and went unmedicated with second. What helped: Physical therapy and chiropractor visits during third trimester to make sure baby was lined up listening to the relaxation track from “Mindful Hypnobirthing” every night...
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    Baby Names

    @peaceful_seeker Hahah maybe!!! I’m Canadian and not a football fan so that didn’t even register 🤣
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    Kids are dropping the N-Word

    @nathanstrong Nooba please.
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    Losing it; 2 y/o awake for hours at a time. How to break the cycle?

    @maxinvasion First: Take away her day nap, if you need just do quiet time where she reads or plays quietly. Make sure you tell her it’s quiet time and get yourself some peace; you also don’t want her wearing out. Next: bath and bedtime go together like pb&j. The hot bath stimulates what sleep...
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    Help. I don't know what to do..

    @fluxie That’s great! I said good luck because maaan are those type of people persistent. And it’s scary sometimes.
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @mogulmama My great grandmother did this to me and a couple of her other grandchildren. We don’t even have weird names or anything crazy lol she will only use super traditional names though. Everyone was too old fashioned respectful to say no. Soo a bunch of my cousins and I grew up with two...
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    Does anyone else’s kid survive on snacks and snacks only?

    @ruanddrew My 27mo is a mono mealer. She will really only want to eat one food for a day or days on end. A week ago it was waffles today it was very green bananas that she still insisted on lol.
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    Do you think she's hungry? (Rant)

    @ravenblue Of course they do, but if they want cuddles, they will stop crying when you pick them up. If you’re holding your baby and it’s crying and carrying on long enough for someone to say “do you think she’s hungry?” She probably is.
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    Help. I don't know what to do..

    @fluxie Good luck! I dated someone like that for two years. He would tell me all the time I was “the most important person” to him, or that I was “the best thing to ever happen” to him. He would get upset when I would said, “Well my son is my favorite person.” I mentioned it to him once and he...