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    @josho Your husband should be giving you your own spending money each month. We have a joint account which he puts in money to cover bills, groceries etc. Then he puts money into my personal account for me to spend however I want, he doesn’t care. Tbh I don’t want much for myself so a lot of...
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    8 month old suddenly waking 4-6x a night after months of being a “good sleeper.” What am I doing wrong?

    @jimhempel I’d suspect teething. Or maybe too much day time sleep but if you think he’s high sleep needs then maybe not. In any case, I highly doubt holding him for naps is related!
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    Feeding question

    @falan My baby slept between us from early on, but at that point we couldn't feed side lying anyway. Now that he's older, I flip him to the other side at each wake up. He's either between me and my partner or on the outside of the bed which has a full size crib side carred to it.
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    Does sleep training even work?

    @eternalgrace7 Thought your username seemed familiar haha! I don't blame you although there is a fairly strong anti sleep training faction which helps me stick around.
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    Does sleep training even work?

    @beardedbloke That's one way to make fond family holiday memories :/
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    Does sleep training even work?

    @hary89 That's one way to make fond family holiday memories :/ Edit: this comment was intended for another comment but it's close enough that it stands 😄
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    Does sleep training even work?

    @cyberrocky From a lot of comments in my bumper sub, quite often it's only not excruciating for the parents because they put on noise cancelling headphones and drink a glass of wine so yeah...
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    Co-sleeping Resource Roundup

    @dbirdez This is good but I think a single quick reference for new, sleep deprived parents coming to the sub for the first time in search of info in a standalone stickied post could be good? Eg safe sleep seven with a brief explanation of why that rule is important.
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @pastor_rob I recently read this post and I think you might find it helpful in handling bedtime. I know my evening feels a little better if I'm not trapped in a dark room with my 11mo for hours, even if bedtime is still quite late sometimes (he's awkwardly on 2 naps at the moment which means...
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    I was led to believe he completed the second check after vasectomy, I am now 5 days late

    @sweetiicake If you had a regular cycle this month (ie ovulated at the usual time) and are 5 days late due to being pregnant, you should have a positive test by now. Most likely situation is that you ovulated late for whatever reason (it can happen randomly even if you’re normally very regular)...