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    I feel like I'm traumatizing my sick 13 m/o clearing out her nose

    @jorica I've seen videos of this I'm not sure I could handle it lol!
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    I feel like I'm traumatizing my sick 13 m/o clearing out her nose

    @siskin Exactly! She starts crying and then there's more snot :(
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    I feel like I'm traumatizing my sick 13 m/o clearing out her nose

    @brh1989 I've got the spray but I've never tried the wipes.. I'll look it up!
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    I feel like I'm traumatizing my sick 13 m/o clearing out her nose

    @crucker2 It does make it difficult for her to drink her bottles :(
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    I feel like I'm traumatizing my sick 13 m/o clearing out her nose

    @drpirtle Definitely trying this!! Thanks
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    Is 39 yrs o too old to be a dad?

    @kolpevibeli My dad was 40 when I was born. Never caused any issues. Except that it was less common then so my friends always said I had old parents lol
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    I feel like I'm traumatizing my sick 13 m/o clearing out her nose

    he started daycare 2.5 weeks ago and has been sick ever since. It's so bad she seems to have forgotten how to breathe through her nose even when she's cleared out. This may sound stupid but most days we have been having to clear her out multiple times a day using the aspirator or frida and I...
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    When did your baby sleep all night w/o feed?

    @londoj Around 9 months