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  1. K

    18(M) wondering how to maximize quality time with son and BM 18(F) (6 months pregnant)

    @vivienh This is gonna be an unpopular opinion. But you've got time. At most you're talking about being gone for a year? The kiddo won't remember any of that time. They'll spend half of it not even knowing they're out of the womb. If it's really concerning you a lot, is it possible to go to...
  2. K

    18(M) wondering how to maximize quality time with son and BM 18(F) (6 months pregnant)

    @vivienh Had my kiddo in February, he's actually 6 weeks as of yesterday. I understand your worry but you've got a bit of time to try and figure something out. Make time for them yes, but the kid can't really do anything for quite a while. Essentially it's just feed them, put them to sleep, feed...