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  1. A

    16 month old doesn’t eat solids. Just stopped the formula bottle cold turkey and I’m going insane with the crying. Anyone else go through this?

    Reading this again, does she use a straw at all? My daughter still uses straws at 16 months along with open cups but majority is straw drinking, if you’re doing only open cup that may be hard for her
  2. A

    16 month old doesn’t eat solids. Just stopped the formula bottle cold turkey and I’m going insane with the crying. Anyone else go through this?

    @pastorbenjohnson This sounds so hard but if she’s only drank a few oz of milk the past few days I’m worried about her being dehydrated. I slowly weaned my kid off bottles (5 a day -> 4 a day -> etc etc) and it seemed to help. I also leaned hard into whatever foods she liked and offered those a...