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  1. T

    Going 0-to-1 vs Going 1-to-2

    @tobyw Not quite exactly an answer to your question, but…. If there is already unequal division of labor, it won’t magically get better with a second. If you already feel like you don’t have enough time for yourself, that isn’t going to suddenly resolve itself when you have a second. Also...
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    “She needs a sibling,” says my sister in law

    @flipflops82 Yes, exactly. This is how my family has been and it's infuriating!
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    If you could turn back time, would you still have a child?

    @fudge No, I wouldn’t. Obligatory, I love my child with everything I have. I would never wish him away now that he is here. However, I was a fence sitter and very “meh” about having a kid in the first place. But, I was worried that I would regret not having the “mother” life experience and...
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    Sadly coming to the conclusion that the feeling that a second would break me isn't subsiding and kiddo is going on 4.5

    @muya I HATE when people say, “You just figure it out!” From my experiences, that just means that i’ll have to figure it out, on my own with little to no support. Sorry, that just bothers me so much! I would say it’s not an excuse; it’s a valid reason to not take on more than you know you can...
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    Sadly coming to the conclusion that the feeling that a second would break me isn't subsiding and kiddo is going on 4.5

    @muya Oh honey, no. You are NOT LAZY! Parenting is fucking HARD. It’s hard work. Especially to do it well. His response to you is shocking, tbh…. Like, my brain wants to ask, “Is he always this dismissive and disrespectful to you?” I dont want another child (I’m solidly OAD), and it’s...