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  1. W

    How would you respond to this?

    @easternorthodox This. 5yr olds don't set their own bed time, or wake-up time. Mom/dad/whoever tells them it's bed time, and enforce it. They also wake them up when necessary. It's *not* fun, but it's 100% a need. IDK when school is, but it only gets worse for wake-up time as they get older. My...
  2. W

    Everyone blames my daughter’s behavior on extended breastfeeding and I’m f*ing sick of it

    @arrowzahns Good for you. Tell him, and any/everyone else blaming breastfeeding on kiddo's 'bad sleeping' to kick rocks. FFS. He is the problem. Not you. Not her. HIM. Ugh.
  3. W

    How would you respond to this?

    @jboucher This. My boys are 12 &14, and still need to be reminded to get shoes on and out the door and onto the bus on time. There's no way a five year old can be expected to get themselves out the door in time.
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    Everyone blames my daughter’s behavior on extended breastfeeding and I’m f*ing sick of it

    @arrowzahns Yeah.. NGL, my boys nursed till ~2.5-3ish (basically the older weaned within a few months of his older brother being born who's almost exactly 2.5 yrs younger than him), and the younger weaned... IDK, somewhere ~3.5-4ish. Barely 2?? That's not 'extended breastfeeding' no matter...
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    My 3 yr son's teacher sent home this note, and it's crazy

    @dylanrowe1 Absolutely. But don't send the original in. Send a copy. Go to your post office or library, and make a copy. Send the copy. Keep the original.
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    My 3 yr son's teacher sent home this note, and it's crazy

    @theobvioushero Honestly, I think I'd make a copy of it first, and then mark that copy all up with fixes with a red pencil. Capitalization, punctuation, spelling, etc. And return it. With a note.
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    The impact of Bedtime Stories on child development and family bonding

    @jilnaan The Tiffany Aching series - The Wee Free Men, Wintersmith, I Shall Wear Midnight, and finally A Shepard's Crown (his very last book) were always favorites. I'm not sure if they 'count' anymore as 'lesser known' but they were at the time when we read them, at least around here. I'm not...
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    The impact of Bedtime Stories on child development and family bonding

    @jilnaan My boys are older now (13 & 16), but I read aloud to them, every night till just a few yrs ago now. I think I stopped when they were ~11 & 13ish respectively. Over the years, we read all sorts of books. When they were little, we did picture books - Dr Suess and Bill Pete and such. As...