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  1. J

    Yes, it's possible to have a baby that has a late bedtime and wakes up late

    @kitsoni Yup. My oldest has always been a nightowl that sleeps in. She’s 2.5 now and slept in till 9 today. Younger one though is definitely and early bird. She likes to be asleep by 8 at the latest and happily wakes up to play around 7. I sort of like the staggered schedule because I make...
  2. J

    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @katrina2017 Yes! Agree with all of this, mine are 18 months apart. Pregnancy and pp was rough and I needed more help than I had. My best advice is honestly just nap every single time you get the chance. Have your kiddo “help” with the basic necessity chores (dishes, laundry, wiping counter)...