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  1. B

    Uk: 3 car seats again

    @globalcitizenshipbyblood We're in North Devon so the VW T4 is pretty much the workhorse of the area. But we managed to find a twin-slider T4 for our trippies meaning that all three can comfortably sit in the back in their seats and we have plenty of room to get arround them AND there's room for...
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    Flu Quarantine ramblings

    @katrina2017 Tamiflu is more restricted in the UK at the moment as the country goes into brexit lockdown (we're really screwed). But at work we find it is effective at lessening the effects more quickly although recovery time seems unchanged. I've been immunised every year I've been a nurse and...
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    Flu Quarantine ramblings

    @mybrotherskeeper1 Glad you recovered. I'm getting stronger, today I'm thinking about opening a window by myself =)
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    Flu Quarantine ramblings

    @heathercc7774 Thanks for all of the good advice. My GO bag is quite similar although I only include clothes for me (H has her own bag) and given the location of all of the major hospitals southwest England I know I can always get some supermarket junk food once my baby is safe. Pretty much...
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    Flu Quarantine ramblings

    @eternityondemand Thanks, I think 9 years of nursing means that I shake off bugs quite quickly but this is my first time not able to see the kids. I hope you are managing OK, it sounds awful. H and I have plans for simultaneous flu now which is mostly a daytime shift pattern of rest and babytime...
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    Flu Quarantine ramblings

    @katrina2017 This is the longest period of enforced donothingness and rest I've ever had, it seemed like something to do =)
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    Flu Quarantine ramblings

    @marie2018 Sadly, brexit Britian is stockpiling meds, I did ask our GP about tamiflu and its currently a no-go outside of extreme cases. Which is frankly terrifying. I like that you both took a few days as primary and then as rester, that sounds mucv more realistic than my plan of a few hours...
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    Flu Quarantine ramblings

    @krimmie North Devon is pretty much Wind in the Willows land. Lots of foxes and badgers, plenty of deer, occasional otters, hawks, wild ponies and a mythical Exmoor Beast.
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    Flu Quarantine ramblings

    @dee436 Wow, skunks, they sound so cute... But I've never seen one in reality so that probably makes a big difference. Too true about calling out unreliable "call-me-anytimers" they mean well in their way BUT add delay and stress to stressful situations. Thanks about the bag, I've used my GO...
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    Flu Quarantine ramblings

    My wife and I are both nurses with a fair whack of experience in healthcare and are blessed with 14m/o trippies (2 boys, 1 girl). Things have been going fairly well for a year however, this week I’ve come home from work with flu (yes, I had my vaccination). Currently I’m quarantined in my...