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  1. J

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    @sudhir I feel like I’ve lost all the energy I used to put into maintaining friendships but I agree that it’s important to have others around who understand what we’re going through. Definitely need to find some way to get back into being more social!
  2. J

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    @joyous24 Yea that’s a good idea. She mostly likes to stand in the bath tub anyway so perhaps it’s time!
  3. J

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    @obiviva Fun baths sound awesome, I want to do that for myself! And sorting out the cleaning/laundry seems to be a common piece of advice that I hadn’t really thought much about so I’ve got to make sure we get these done in the next couple of days before the trip
  4. J

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    @simendem Thanks! I’ll try the bath idea - definitely sounds easier and less of a mess. Also love the one cleaning goal a day thing!
  5. J

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    @william1224 That sounds like an awesome time! There’s actually 2 close by me that I haven’t tried yet but I definitely will now!
  6. J

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    @annadotson Yea I’m exactly like that too - I need something scheduled if I know I’ve got a whole day solo parenting. It just makes it feel less exhausting somehow
  7. J

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    @jamesmason10 Oh there is a children’s museum near me that we haven’t checked out before so I’ll add it to my list, thanks for the idea!
  8. J

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    @sugahani Hobo showers 😅 - I’m totally going to do this. And I love the idea of doing daycare but taking some time off work!
  9. J

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    @echopark With a newborn sounds so much tougher! I’ve been thinking about maybe getting a cleaning service once or twice during this time - you’re right that this will be a good way to ease the admin bits
  10. J

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    @lee1009 Thank you! I love how several people are commenting about being more lax on the baths. We do it every night for her but I’m feeling more ok about spacing it out more now. And yes, totally agreed on the screentime too!
  11. J

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    @perryplaya This is so much great advice, thank you! Yea any rules about tv time are out the window for now so she’ll probably get plenty of Rachel. A vacuum sealer is something I haven’t thought about before but sounds cool, so I’m going to check that out too.
  12. J

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    @some_puppies Oh I haven’t even thought about an indoor playground option. There’s a couple near me that I haven’t tried yet and it sounds like it’s time to give it a go. Thanks!
  13. J

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    @jtgabq This is a great idea, thanks! Definitely willing to buy a bunch of new toys if that will keep her occupied for longer
  14. J

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    @stevenj Only eating strawberries is the story of her life now 😅. Stickers are a great idea, she loves those!
  15. J

    3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

    I’m realizing how privileged I am to have a husband to split parenting responsibilities with on a regular basis. He needs to travel abroad for a little over 3 weeks (spanning across 4 weekends). It’s an important trip and I support him on it. But now I’m trying to figure out how to avoid getting...