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  1. C

    Losing it; 2 y/o awake for hours at a time. How to break the cycle?

    @digg3r No, ours did a whole thing involving a chair and jumping in when they cry, but it's more the "how" you jump in than whether you jump in or not. I guess if you Google "chair method sleep training" you might find a few instances of it. Still, the idea is to train kids to fall asleep on...
  2. C

    Losing it; 2 y/o awake for hours at a time. How to break the cycle?

    @p4z OP this dad knows what's up. Had the same thing with our 2 year old, hired a sleep trainer and in short, the problem is that our kid never learned how to fall asleep on his own. Answer these questions and we can try to offer some advice, but I think this guy is on to the right track.