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    raising gen “beta”

    @pedrozoalencar Damn this is so well put
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    What do your babies wear to sleep

    @maame Hoping it is but based on their post history it isn't. OP, lower the room temp. 75 is a maximum until babies get much older
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    Why is my newly 2 m/o sleeping all day today?

    @taridayana Mine did this too at exactly 8 weeks. Went from 2 hours total of napping a day (30 minutes ~4x per day) to sleeping nearly 6 hours in one day. Of course I freaked out instead of enjoying the free time. She's evened back out as she approaches 9 weeks and is averaging about 4 hours of...
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    Newborn is 7 weeks and has slept maybe a combined 3 hours without being held since birth

    @4godslove1st Yes OP please do NOT chair sleep. There is NO way to make that safe whereas you can take very strict measures to make it safe-er in a bed.