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    8 year old son showering under who’s f***ing supervision?

    @dipuhuman You need to define help. Is he actually helping wash, or is he just turning on the water and providing soap and shampoo and reminding your son that shampoo water running down the body doesn't count as a proper shower?
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    How to stop the tattle tailing and arguing

    @robert424 GL with that concept. My oldest is 19 and still gets bent out of shape about the fact that she got in more trouble for kicking 17yo over taking a toy when they were 5 and 3. As far as the tattling stuff goes, my answer to a tattle quickly became "are you trying to get her into...
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    7 y.o & Reading. Where is your child at?

    @seeking_new_church One of mine was reading HP at that age, they were a precocious reader. They re-read it in middle school and were like "woah, I don't remember half of this!" because either it went over their head or they skimmed parts that were boring to a 7yo. Second kid was reading small...
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    7 y.o & Reading. Where is your child at?

    @seeking_new_church I get audio books for long trips. Couple years ago the CD player in the car refused to play disc 12 of 12. Talk about a cliffhanger, lol. My "books are boring" kid was the one squeezed in the chair with me at the library, reading the last couple of chapters to find out how...