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  1. G

    How much parental leave did u take?

    @aihi I work for a small business that has no set policy because the staff is so small. My state says I could take 6 weeks but because of the way work is I took 2. Maybe I could have taken more but its a tough call.
  2. G

    Baby was just diagnosed with a genetic condition and I’m scared. Anyone with experience or advice?

    @flyboy2610 Madness! Insanity! We live in a modern society where you can make an informed desiscion about their future child based on tests. I got lucky and my baby came out without chromosomal defects but if it had tested for downs etc we may have aborted as not everyone is cut out to be a...
  3. G

    Baby was just diagnosed with a genetic condition and I’m scared. Anyone with experience or advice?

    @flyboy2610 People get abortions because of chromosomal defects.
  4. G

    Baby was just diagnosed with a genetic condition and I’m scared. Anyone with experience or advice?

    @helpmeunderstand I guess you’re just a much better person than me. Congrats.
  5. G

    Baby was just diagnosed with a genetic condition and I’m scared. Anyone with experience or advice?

    @flyboy2610 People aren’t magic, he may feel great love but this is also a possible lifetime huge burden that not everyone could handle or be ok with.