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  1. K

    2.5 year old and 4 languages. I am confused and worried

    @katrina2017 They visit once or twice a year, staying for a total of 2-3 weeks, unfortunately. But you are right, these visits can at least instill some interest in him. If they teach him the basics, it would be easier for me to take over and carry it forward, I suppose. Grandpa is really...
  2. K

    2.5 year old and 4 languages. I am confused and worried

    @aldredian Sorry, that was my misunderstanding. I get your point now. >Similarly for her, the other day, we didn't want my son to understand us so I asked my mum to switch to our dialect (which I could only understand, barely speak it) and my mum struggled. This struggle is not foreign to me...
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    2.5 year old and 4 languages. I am confused and worried

    @aldredian Wonderful, thanks for the articles. As for switching the language at home, it's actually quite challenging. Bosnian and Turkish are entirely different languages. It will take a considerable amount of time for either my wife or me to become proficient enough to establish one of...
  4. K

    2.5 year old and 4 languages. I am confused and worried

    My native language is Turkish, my wife's is Bosnian and we have been living in Sweden for nearly the past 6 years. My wife learned some Turkish but we speak English among each other, as we have always been. Unfortunately we still don't speak Swedish very well since we work in international...