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  1. M

    Teen vehicle: I need Co parenting advice on how you handled splitting costs for a vehicle for 16 yo old

    @aj1968 Thank you, I agree. And I'm not sure she'd refuse to give him the title, just guessing based on her behavior. However, I seriously doubt that car gonna get him thru the next 3 years of high school, so we'd end up buying him something else at that point probably. Which deff brings me...
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    Teen vehicle: I need Co parenting advice on how you handled splitting costs for a vehicle for 16 yo old

    @aj1968 SS15 when he turns 18 if she'd even actually give it to him. I don't wanna pay her for a car that he's only using and never gets to own. We were planning on giving him the title to the truck when he graduates, but not if she isn't going to contribute even a little bit.
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    Teen vehicle: I need Co parenting advice on how you handled splitting costs for a vehicle for 16 yo old

    @aj1968 That's what we were hoping,but she's insisting on him driving her old car. It might very well be a payout, but I'd think she'd make more from outright selling it. It could just very well be that she doesn't want him driving it bc it's mine, Idk. Something else I hadn't considered is...
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    Teen vehicle: I need Co parenting advice on how you handled splitting costs for a vehicle for 16 yo old

    @aj1968 She definitely thinks he'll only be on her insurance bc DH tried to explain about the nonexcluded driver clause in Minnesota and she responded by "well no WAY he's touching my truck or my bf truck! He gets insurance on his car and that's it" Then she went into a lecture about how trucks...
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    Teen vehicle: I need Co parenting advice on how you handled splitting costs for a vehicle for 16 yo old

    @aj1968 We can but we'd still have to pay her for her car. But that's a very good question Idk why she just won't sell it. However she does drive it for 2-3 weeks before they go on vacation twice a year. They drive her truck to Colorado a couple times a year and to make for those miles, she'll...
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    Teen vehicle: I need Co parenting advice on how you handled splitting costs for a vehicle for 16 yo old

    @aj1968 Thank you! That's a REALLY great argument. We'd deff be paying half of all the maintenance on her car and it's broken down before, it's got a salvaged title as it's been totaled and just isn't great shape. Maybe we can agree that he can drive her car, we'll pay half, but when it breaks...
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    Teen vehicle: I need Co parenting advice on how you handled splitting costs for a vehicle for 16 yo old

    @aj1968 Sorry I should have mentioned that we actually did offer her to not have to contribute to it at all but we keep the title and ownership. The worst part for DH is that 2 years ago she asked him when she got her new truck if she should trade in the Altima or save it for ss16 and he said...
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    Teen vehicle: I need Co parenting advice on how you handled splitting costs for a vehicle for 16 yo old

    SS16 is a straight A student, highly driven, Starting Varsity hockey goalie and has practice 5-6 days a week at 4:30 am, then again after school 2 hour practice, followed by an hour of lifting, games every week, plus he trains downtown Minneapolis with an NHL goalie, on top of coaching little...