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  1. L

    29 m/o still not walking—HELP!

    @scottbes Yes! I should have mentioned that L has been wearing SMO’s for the last couple months. While they haven’t caused any miracles, he definitely seems more stable and confident when he has them on. I think that PT’s are reluctant to question doctors’ diagnoses because it’s “way above...
  2. L

    29 m/o still not walking—HELP!

    @chefmarybeth I hope your sister is doing ok. They’ve “checked” L’s hips, but only in a superficial way (no x-rays, as far I know). I will ask that further-thank you!
  3. L

    29 m/o still not walking—HELP!

    @topten20082008 Interesting! I’m not sure and will look into that. We might not have any that are very close by because it’s never been mentioned to me before. Appreciate the advice!
  4. L

    29 m/o still not walking—HELP!

    @figgs Your daughter sounds amazing. I realize that CP- especially in its milder forms- is by no means a horrible thing, and I hope I didn’t say anything to imply otherwise :) My worry isn’t CP per se, but the confusion of not knowing what’s going on. We’ll definitely be getting more opinions.
  5. L

    29 m/o still not walking—HELP!

    @cosmic6942 This is a really good point. I’m going to seek out other opinions ASAP.
  6. L

    29 m/o still not walking—HELP!

    @bukiemm Aww I’m so glad that your daughter ended up being ok! She sounds a lot like my son at this point. He crawls everywhere, and can do it so fast and efficiently that I don’t blame him for not wanting to walk! We’ll definitely be getting more opinions. Cognitively, I can’t say in good...
  7. L

    29 m/o still not walking—HELP!

    @cierrahopes Thank you so much :) All of us tend to just cater to him as the “baby”, so he hasn’t had a ton of incentive so far!
  8. L

    29 m/o still not walking—HELP!

    @cierrahopes This is the kind of thing I was hoping to hear (a lot) of!! Whenever I try to “research” it, the concept of any healthy child not walking beyond the age of 2 seems unheard of. I’m trying to hold out hope that L is just lazy. Thank you so much for this!!
  9. L

    29 m/o still not walking—HELP!

    @arwenn Thank you so much. Many of these responses have shown me that getting at least one other opinion is crucial.
  10. L

    29 m/o still not walking—HELP!

    @godfavorme Absolutely—we’re trying to get some clarity on what the hypotonia is actually symptomatic of. FWIW, I don’t think anyone would have characterized him as a “floppy” infant (he never had the “rag doll” appearance that I’ve read about.) His being hypotonic only came up around age...
  11. L

    29 m/o still not walking—HELP!

    @katrina2017 I’m so sorry you had to go through with that. It’s scary to think that the MRI was practically an afterthought for your doctor. I’ve always been generally trusting of doctors, but this has been a wake up call. Wishing you a smooth recovery and continued good health!
  12. L

    29 m/o still not walking—HELP!

    @katrina2017 I was thinking the same thing about getting more opinions, and I really appreciate your reply. This whole ordeal has eroded my trust in the profession to some extent. It’s hard to understand how two people trained in the same field can have such divergent takes The only thing...
  13. L

    29 m/o still not walking—HELP!

    Hi everyone, I will try to keep this as brief as possible. I’m desperate to hear any thoughts or advice, no matter how anecdotal. Long story short, our 29 month old son isn’t walking unassisted yet. He was a preemie, but was doing great until he didn’t crawl until 18M. At that point, his...