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  1. G

    My 7 y/o cries about daddy being mean to her

    @faithfulchristian12 Thank you for the support. Her father and I have a hard time communicating. Typically any attempt to reason on my part is met by retaliation and him weaponizing custody. He once didn’t see her for a month because he was traveling and asked to have her for the weekend he...
  2. G

    My 7 y/o cries about daddy being mean to her

    @splendidbliss1960 He does not see her regularly maybe once a month in spring and fall.. one big trip in summer… and once every other month in winter. He has a wife and my daughter told me they fight a lot. But she is a good step mother. In fact, if my ex comes to pick her up she will...
  3. G

    My 7 y/o cries about daddy being mean to her

    My ex and I have been separated since 2017 and divorced since 2018 when my daughter was 3. Since day 1 she has hated leaving me to see her father or even answer FaceTime when he calls. She says it’s because he’s mean to her. When I’ve overheard their conversations he “jokingly” calls her a...