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  1. L

    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @adidan1 That’s how I see it lol I’d never tell someone what to do with there pregnancy 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @adidan1 I mean, it worked for so long lol but I don’t plan to terminate the pregnancy. Yes it was unplanned, but I always told my hubs that if by some miracle it did happen, there is no way in hell I’d abort. No shame to those who do abort, but it’s just not for me :)
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    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @aninymouse Thank you lol is it unexpected? Yes. Am I devastated? No lol I’m 27, been married for 6 years, with him for 10. This isn’t the end of the world for me lol
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    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @sanna11 Definitely lol I’ve come to accept it, and honestly my husband is the one who is in more denial lol
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    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @mumfordem Omg that is sooo funny! Glad to know I’m not the only one with a man who gave himself a goofy nickname in honor of his self control! 😂😂😂
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    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @adidan1 We actually have discussed this! He’s not opposed, we just never really went through with it because pull out worked so well for so long lol so we kinda procrastinated on putting down the money for the procedure lol and as everyone has said, we’ll deal with the consequences lol we were...
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    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @angleasky I guess so 😫. I’m getting my tubes tied after this one! Lol
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    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @iessuman I love the phrase “fall pregnant” lol like I just tripped and oh look, PREGNANT lol but yes I get your point lol I am the 4% this year..should be an interesting story to tell my OB lol
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    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @mark58 😳 not gonna lie, I did not know that! I accept your sex ed lesson 👍🏼
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    Pregnant by Pull out method

    @rj786 Lol thank you for your comment! I never meant for this thread to get so deep 😳 and only had lighthearted intentions when posting it 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    Pregnant by Pull out method

    So hubby and I have relied on the pull out method literally our entire sexually active relationship (8 years). We have 2 children, and both times I got pregnant before, we definitely weren’t pulling out. He as always had amazing self control and my cycles have always been super regular, so i was...