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  1. I

    My kid is 3 and I’m unwell.

    @3007 I remember once having a fever, I think my temp was like 104F and I was delirious and could barely keep my eyes open and my husband was stuck on the bus on the way home from work. I was weeping and my poor 2 year old was so confused 😕 I put Miss Rachel on for her and lay down on the floor...
  2. I

    My 2.5 year old is a DICTATOR and it’s hurting our relationship

    @onlyjesus316 I'm not sure if you'll get to this comment because you've had a lot of AMAZING responses but I wanted to actually thank you for posting this. 🥹 I have a high energy, chatty, intelligent 2.5 year old who bosses me about and some of your comments on here have brought me to tears.. 😭...
  3. I

    Help me please, before I lose my ever loving mind. Read full post!

    @amayasasaki We had this for months, one day as she was getting drowsy I asked if she minded if I went to the toilet, she said no and I did. I checked the camera two minutes later and she was asleep. Derp, looked like me being there was actually prolonging bedtime and keeping her awake 🙈 now I...