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  1. C

    Husband won’t open a joint account…. Thoughts?

    @pr0cessa Yeah nah. We closed our “joint account” because our bank is dumb (lots of reasons and totally talked through and done together) so currently I just use a second bank card and credit card linked to our bank account that is just in my husbands name. This is like the minimum. Unless you...
  2. C

    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    When the twins were newborn and my oldest was 2 this structure helped me keep a somewhat tidy house. I didn’t always get to everything, but it broke the tasks up into little 5-10 minute chunks and gave me a time of day to tackle them. I liked to lightly clean the bathroom nearly daily then if...
  3. C

    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @rudytoot My routine: BREAKFAST Laundry Tidy kitchen + empty/load dishwasher Get out with boys Tidy bedrooms + make beds + light dusting Thaw dinner stuff LUNCH Tidy bathrooms + clean toilets/sinks Tidy living/dining + vacuum and dust Early dinner prep Daily chore (M-master, T-b1...