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  1. T

    Having a toddler while pregnant is so rough, can I just complain?

    @infomommax My wife is 6mo pregnant and we have a 20mo toddler. She is in every way a badass tough cookie but this pregnancy has been so much harder on her than the first one. On top of all that we have been prepping for an international move, selling our house that we are currently living in...
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    Is having a second kid really worth all the trouble? It looks exponentially harder to go from 1 to 2 kids than zero to 1.

    @wheeler1552 We just went from 1-2 last week and I would agree with this for the most part—but I think the age of your first/others makes a huge difference. Our first is almost 2, so technically we now have the dreaded “2 under 2,” at least for a few more days. It’s all true that the second is...
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    C-19 Vax

    @randypnw Another that both got boosted, waited until she was 20 weeks. No issues whatsoever, at 25 weeks the little scamp is frisky and textbook healthy in there.