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  1. G

    Dr says I’m overfeeding

    @adellah Thank you all that makes me feel so much better. I don’t have any other option for a doctor but I will definitely go with my instincts and continue happily feeding her the 4-5 oz that she needs. I do combo feed, I pump so I’m able to measure how much she’s getting. She nurses for hobby...
  2. G

    Dr says I’m overfeeding

    @fowler09 I actually tried to ask and they asked how old she was and they said she should see a pedi.
  3. G

    Dr says I’m overfeeding

    @katrina2017 This dr literallly is my only option where I’m at. No other doctor is covered by my insurance near me.
  4. G

    Dr says I’m overfeeding

    My 9wk old girl was 9.9 lbs at birth and she went down to 8.5 before we ever left the hospital. We had issues with my supply and her latch so we had to supplement & it took her 4 weeks to get back up to her birth weight so she was a month old at 9.15! At her two month check up she weighs 12.13...