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  1. W

    When did your baby sleep all night w/o feed?

    @londoj i have twins, my boy almost every night sleeps for 8-9hours. my girl wakes up way more often and it’s super random. some nights it’s every 3/4 hours, others it’s 6. i think only twice has she slept 8+ hours. edit: oh yeah and they’re almost 4 months
  2. W

    Did you sleep train?

    @moore2014 that’s what i’m inclined to do. and we WANT to do a later bed time but they just will not nap in the evenings. honestly their night time sleep isn’t horrible, they usually only wake once or twice before we need to get ready for our work day. but i’d love to be able to get them down...
  3. W

    Did you sleep train?

    Our b/g twins have just turned 4 months and we’re definitely seeing a change in their sleeping habits. We try to stick with at least a consistent bed time routine, but with daycare naps are basically whenever they go down. They get home from daycare at 5 and if they don’t go down pretty quickly...