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    CIO for 4 mo. Remind me what I’m doing wrong ?!

    @gebphoenix What’s her day time schedule? And did she go through regression? I tried CIO at 3.5 months but my LO was going through SR so had to wait until it was over at 4.5 month
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    6 month eating from syringe, fights bottle.

    @frankyy Level 3 and I even pierced the nipple with a fork!
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    6 month eating from syringe, fights bottle.

    @canedunkan Thank you!!! It’s so helpful hearing from other people and coming out of it. 😅😮‍💨
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    6 month eating from syringe, fights bottle.

    @fx1 Thanks for this. I bought the book last night and have been up reading until midnight. This morning he had 4 oz In total after implementing the methods. This is going to be so hard but I’m hopeful
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    Frustrated AND TIRED

    @irefusetofail Sounds very similar to schedule of my almost five month old. Put baby down ten minutes before the nap so she’s fully awake. She will fuss and whine and maybe cry for 15 min but eventually will learn to fall asleep. It takes time for baby to learn to fall asleep independently but...
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    Not eating, sleep/naps bad = 6 mo growth spurt?

    @federicadn I tried spacing even to the point of him crying from hunger! 4 hours
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    6 month eating from syringe, fights bottle.

    I posted here about baby not taking his bottle. On a whim I decided to see if he would eat from syringe and tonight after stopping at 5 ounces from the bottle, he happily drank 2 ounces from syringe and when I tried to offer the bottle he...
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    Not eating, sleep/naps bad = 6 mo growth spurt?

    @chantelle1989g He tasted some fruits and veggies since last week but not every day !
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    Not eating, sleep/naps bad = 6 mo growth spurt?

    My almost 6 month old used to have 8 oz/4times and now he’ll drink anywhere from 4 to 5 and then really fighting him to have one more ounce if I’m lucky. I tried changing nipple flows, bottles, and environment with less distractions . Is this growth spurt or something else?