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    When is baby *not* going through regression

    @mark7871 I thought they outgrew the fussies around 3 months - oh man 🥴
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    Would a 10 hour drive be ridiculous with a 2 month old?

    @effervescenteye Yes. I would reconsider
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    How do I emotionally survive my 4 mo’s shots?

    @davidschmitt Great comments here. It’s gotten easier for all of us each time. My boy is always smiling by the parking lot.
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    Baby just hates everything

    @breatly YES!! He’s 3.5 months old and happy as can be!!! It really does turn around so much about 12 weeks if not sooner.
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    Baby just hates everything

    @breatly Check my post history and you can see how much I thought my boy hated us and his whole life 😂