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    Am I overreacting to my non-mom friends saying “just pump!” ?

    @ckatiejo Can’t she get someone to let her dog out!?
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    Anyone want more kids but OAD was ultimately the right choice?

    @leonardod Thanks for posting this because we’re in a similar position. We’d both love to have another kid but our jobs are demanding and our finances can’t sustain another child at this point. It’s really tough.
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    15 month old not walking

    @galileesilk Well this is exactly what your PT will be able to tell you. My point was more to say, focus on observing and appreciating what he IS doing rather than focusing on what he’s NOT doing and you’ll be able to see the progress he’s making.
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    15 month old not walking

    @galileesilk I’d say stop focusing on the big milestone and try to spot the smaller ones that lead up to walking. Maybe you see him kicking or bouncing? That’s him strengthening his leg muscles for walking. Maybe your see him doing lots of ‘upward dog’ type postures or energetically bashing with...
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    Should I have another?

    @katie_hannah It seems to me like you want another, you have a lot of love and resources to offer to another child. And you also have the natural worries about how your life and family will change when you welcome a new baby. It would be strange if you weren’t concerned or considering these...
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    B.C. | A.D. | L.B.F. | L.A.F

    @mbrandan Yes ours loves lamp too!
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    A p*rvert messaged me thru this group!

    @katrina2017 This is the correct response!
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    Why IGs “They’re only little for 4 years” is so cringey

    @fruitb This is like people who buy a ‘puppy’. No, you’re getting a puppy you’re getting a dog that will live for up to 14 years. Having a baby also means taking your 10 year old to sports practice, staying up worrying every time your teenager goes out late at night and supporting your 30 year...