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    Are we the only ones struggling financially?

    @web209 Thanks, I will!
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    Are we the only ones struggling financially?

    @sunflower232 If you’re not using one already, check out a budget app like Mint. The personal finance Reddit is also super helpful with suggestions if you’re willing to give detailed numbers. I’ve learned a lot from that subreddit. We were saving pretty well, but couldn’t figure out where the...
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    Breastfeeding exclusively 3-6 month old infant while WFH

    @wisper I exclusively pumped from early on due to a hospitalization. Breastfeeding became much easier when I wasn’t pumping every 2-3 hours. I transitioned to every 6 hours around 2 months post partum, and this worked really well for me. By the time I went back to work just before 3 months pp, I...