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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @quietthomas My friend was actually in the same situation. And while you can get all the love and supportive words in the world from people, no one can get through it for you. You're very strong!
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @katrina2017 I have to agree, though it depends on work environment. When I was working FT at one job, I was also doing work at night because SO many people would come by for quick chats I would lose hours.
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @mammabear Wow, that daycare option is a dream. I think I've head of only 2 companies that offer that in a major city I used to live in.
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @mama3 No, you're not. I don't think there's a minority since everyone's set up is so different. From what I gather of your post, you have a very young child. People used to ask me why I didn't work from home with a TODDLER...they need constant attention and monitoring, that's why!
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @purposelychosen86 Another poster said this and I like this idea. Hadn't even thought of that.
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @leaderturk In the past, I felt this was only possible through having a part-time job. But I like that we can do this split now while earning full-time income.
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @lillypilly It's funny you say that because most everyone I speak to say, "WHY does every call have to be a video call now!?" I miss being able to do what you just described.
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @cowfan1966 THIS response is exactly why I posted this blog. I think a lot of people feel like decisions about their professional lifestyle are being made for them. It's one thing to do that now in a pandemic, but carrying it over indefinitely has others asking...wait, what happened...?
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @inheretic Extremely true. Part of the problem I've had in the past is working with a lot of single 20-somethings that think its fine to just stay in the office until 7pm to meet a deadline.
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @yuliette I'm betting they will. And as the blog post advocates, express this to your employer if they don't.
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @smbcoolguy You were WFH 1-2 days a week pre-pandemic.
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @smbcoolguy Was that something your employer already offered, or did you ask for it?
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @blessingsabundance I'm glad you said "and my partner" because I do think this offers more equality in terms of the childcare-home tasks-professional workload.
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @jimbobby2021 I think this pandemic has shown employers--at least those that are listening--that career and family balance affects their employee's partners (and relationships) as well. My husband told his boss that he needed more flexible hours or I was going to have to give up having a career...
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @jimbobby2021 Thanks for reading!
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @betties with the ability to change that ratio as and when needed.
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @ambi3333 I am so glad to hear you expressed this to your employer. My husband negotiated alternative hours with his employer so we can both balance work and kid (without burning the midnight oil at the computer) and they were fine with it.
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @curiousgirl98 Out of the U.S. We were looking at Australia but they have also closed their borders. Both the Bahamas and the country of Georgia are offering 6 and 12 month visas for those who can prove income from remote work (at least $50k).
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    Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

    @curiousgirl98 That's awesome, we are actually doing the same! Waiting for borders to open, though...