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  1. S

    Do I need the bassinet for stroller?

    @cipgiple I have 7.5 week old b/g twins and we went with the Donkey 5 side-by-side. It came with 2 infant seats and 2 bassinets. I like the bassinets. The babies are more comfortable in them for our walks than the infant seats. They don’t love those yet. Could I have done without the bassinets...
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    Method that doesn’t involve letting a baby cry?

    @kd1616 I agree with this whole heartedly. I understand not wanting to hear your little one cry, but you also have to understand it’s in baby’s best interest to learn how to put themselves back to sleep. They are not hungry. Just simply need to learn how to self soothe.
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    Positive (unintentionally) unmediated, natural di-di twin birth story. (Born 34+5)

    @lilkaos82 This is so cute ☺️ I’m glad your hubby took it! Such a great photo to have. Congratulations to you both!