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  1. S

    Sleep length at 6 weeks

    @evergold I know leaps aren’t science but from my desperate googling they say sleep improves after leap two. My boy was 2 weeks late so we’re just starting leap 2 and like I said I’m desperate enough to want to believe the better sleep is really coming when this is over. Lol I’d believe almost...
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    Sleep length at 6 weeks

    @evergold I’m in the exact same boat as you with my 6 week old, he used to give me 4 hour stretches at night but the last week he’s barely going two hours at night before waking to eat. And all daytime naps have to be contact or carrier naps so no napping for me and I am exhausted. I’m hoping...
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    Spitting up Famotidine

    @ben3721 Not during a feed but he does about 10-15 after a feed and I have no idea if he’s digesting it but he’s stopped seeming like he’s in pain so I just went with it
  4. S

    Spitting up Famotidine

    @ben3721 Mine is on it too, it never stopped the spit up just decreased how acidic it was so that when he did spit up it didn’t burn. He didn’t spit it back up immediately though, but he is a much happier baby now. I give it before his feed