@jnb2 Single parenting is easier than what you've been through. Co-parenting with trash is harder. Get some legal advice and custody sorted asap. Good luck, you're life is about to get so much better!
@paulbassett Right back at you, I'm sure parenting while trying to manage MS is brutal some days! I try not to think of the future too much, I find staying present today and doing what I need to do keeps my head from going to the "what if..." scary places.
@gianna I'm sorry you've had such a hard time, an EDS pregnancy really can be a new level of hell. If it helps, I wasn't 'recovered' until my son was 2.5. I gained 85lbs (!!) and after losing 40ish the first few weeks after birth, the rest hung around for a couple of years, but it did eventually...
@laurencesantos One of the reasons I'm one and done is because I have EDS which is a genetic connective tissue disorder. As much as I really want a second child, I can't jeopardize my health, my existing family and our quality of life together is more important.
@stillwaters45 You can compromise on more kids. You're recommending she break up her family and give up 50% of her time with her existing child. What you're talking about is people who are childfree or not. This isn't the same as people having more children. At all.
@serhii I am OAD due to chronic health and a traumatic birth. That alone is reason to stop. I think you sound very set. Your husband doesn't carry the baby, his life doesn't change much with a baby. Stick to your guns.