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  1. M

    Redshirting in preschool

    @tgia413 From a random stranger on the internet- I would follow your gut and not repeat the current year. There's no reason at this point, IMO.
  2. M

    Can someone give me information on parental ABO blood types and the different possible outcomes?

    @livinggrace My husband was in the Army, they told him he was O+, it's O+ on his dog tags. I'm also O+ (Blood donor for decades now). When our son was born with A+ blood, I got the quiet "are you sure" talk from the doctor, which, yes, I was 100% sure. Husband was retested. Surprise, the Army...
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    Redshirting in preschool

    @tgia413 If you put him in the 4s class next year and he wasn't ready to move up to K the year after, or you thought he could benefit from extra time in PK- could you make the decision to repeat the PK4 twice?
  4. M

    Redshirting in preschool

    @athens For him, it will essentially be this. We do Montessori, and so it's 4-6th levels in the same class. He will be doing the 5th level academic work, but still be with kids his own age and older.
  5. M

    Redshirting in preschool

    @tgia413 I think it depends on your kid. If he's socially and academically ready to move on, I would move up. Anecdotally, my own kid is born 3/31, and holding him back would have made him absolutely miserable. He was already reading at 4, and he was more mature than many kids in his class. Now...