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  1. W

    Pumping more than baby is eating

    @onefaithunited I like your plan of taking shifts at night! And so amazing that you are donating, I’ll look into that if I end up with too much. I hope he gets to come home soon!
  2. W

    Pumping more than baby is eating

    @gabjensnsn123 Thank you, this is helpful! And good to know about clogged ducts vs. blocked nipples, I’ll remember that.
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    Pumping more than baby is eating

    @ladygray Triple feeds! Wow! Did you ever get to sleep or do anything that didn’t involve breastmilk?! I’m so impressed with your commitment. That is helpful to know about not doing a full pump cycle and using a manual pump, thank you!
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    Pumping more than baby is eating

    @trisswines Oh my goodness, that must have been so hard, I’m sorry! 😞 really glad you were able to donate it though and all of your hard work was able to help other babies. You are a true hero! I don’t have nearly that much frozen but if we end up not needing it I will definitely look into...
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    Pumping more than baby is eating

    @remas Currently saving what I have for when I return to work but if I end up with too much of a supply/not using it I will definitely look into this, thanks for the recommendation!
  6. W

    Pumping more than baby is eating

    I’ve been really diligent about pumping every 3 hrs and fortunately have established a pretty good supply of almost 1000 mL/day. My baby is still in the hospital (38 weeks gestation) and taking about 500 mL/day. We are freezing the extra but I’m hoping to breastfeed when he gets home. If he’s...