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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @xitosunwin Oh I definitely wouldn’t force it!! I just didn’t know how to introduce it! It was strongly discouraged in my house growing up
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @ninasreborn1 I like this approach! Thanks!!
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @david1776 Definitely wouldn’t force it!! I just had no idea how to introduce it before reading these comments! I I understand that some people just aren’t able to tolerate spicy stuff, but I didn’t know how to give my child a chance without traumatizing her!! 😂❤️
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @sitapea Mmmm!!! I could do me some home made Jalapeño cheddar bread right about now!
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @newuser It was Louisiana hot sauce at a sleepover that got me started lol 😂
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @dkitching Cool!! I’ll look into it!! Thanks!
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @cafeeine Thank you! It was treated like poison when I was growing up! I didn’t want to take the joy of spicy from my kid, but I also don’t want to traumatize them either!
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @igvh91 I’m confused by your comment, I’m just trying to figure out how other families introduce spicy foods to young children, since it was looked at as “bad” when I was growing up
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @ositez I didn’t know that! Thanks!!
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @puddintain Awe!!! She sounds fun!😂😂 and the heat cutting foods is a great idea! Thanks for that!!
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @iamorange Thank you!! This is a great outlook!
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @chriscomplex This makes a lot of sense! I was introduced to spicy foods at a friends house, they had a Louisiana hot sauce obsession and I started eating it to impress them, and then eventually ended up liking it! Come to find out my dad liked spicy foods too! It eventually became our “thing”...
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @seekinghope I wasn’t introduced to spicy foods until I was 11, I don’t want to steal that joy from my kid, but I also don’t want to traumatize them either!! 😂 I just didn’t know how to introduce it!
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @edmund81 I definitely wouldn’t force it! And I’m open to cooking ingredients separately for each person in the family to have what they like! I just had no idea how to introduce spicy foods, since they were so strongly avoided when I was growing up!
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @nebulamoon I’m a “makes you sweat spicy” kind of person while my husband is a “Taco Bell hot sauce” kind of person, my younger two brothers and my mom can’t handle black pepper! I wasn’t introduced to spicy foods until I was 11 because my mom was afraid of it! I don’t want to take the joy of...
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @abraham7777 😂 at least he’s eating healthy!!! ❤️ my mom avoided anything with any kind of spice! So I wasn’t sure how to introduce them! What kind are you adding to the purées if you don’t mind me asking?
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @summerfed 😂 my husband nearly lost his mind the first time I ordered extra Jalapeños at a Mexican restaurant after we found out I was pregnant! I had to remind him of this fact as well!
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @yytg12 She’s the type of person who can’t handle black pepper, it burns her mouth, she didn’t want it to burn us so she kept us away from it
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @discipleofchrist1 Thank you for this response! I wasn’t sure how to introduce spicy foods since they were seen as “bad” growing up! They were avoided on purpose, my mom wouldn’t even let us have salsa at Mexican restaurants when we went out to eat! I don’t want to avoid spicy foods altogether...
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @deehive Oooh…yea…I’ve seen that happen with spicy Cheetos! Makes sense!