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  1. C

    Very low supply — what is reasonable hope for improvement?

    @3rdeye I did take my pump flanges to my IBCLC. We bought 20mm based on Spectra’s measurement guide, and the IBCLC agreed that was the right size for me. We also discussed how to use my Spectra S2. My baby was born on his due date. It was an uncomplicated vaginal delivery. Labor was a total of...
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    Very low supply — what is reasonable hope for improvement?

    @jimishasmom Thanks for this. I suspect there is something with my combo of PCOS and hypothyroidism that is causing issues. What medication were you on for PCOS? Metformin?
  3. C

    Very low supply — what is reasonable hope for improvement?

    @amagoh Thanks for this. How long did it take for you to see results triple feeding?
  4. C

    Very low supply — what is reasonable hope for improvement?

    @amagoh Thanks for this. How long did it take for you to see results triple feeding?
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    Very low supply — what is reasonable hope for improvement?

    @rachelvaught Hi! No, not really. The reglan may have slightly increased my supply, but we never did a weighted feed to confirm that, as it would have been on the order of going from 10ml to 15ml. At present I have stoped triple feeding and only pump in the morning and before bed (I get around...
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    Very low supply — what is reasonable hope for improvement?

    @rachelvaught Hi, I wanted to update you — I didn’t see any improvement from the 18mm flanges. In fact, they rubbed uncomfortably on one side, so I went back to my 20mm. I had my prolactin levels tested. I was 188, when my OBGYN would have expected 260-310 after nursing at 3 weeks 2 days...
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    Very low supply — what is reasonable hope for improvement?

    @rachelvaught Will do! I’ve ordered some 18mm flanges to see if sizing down helps, particularly on my left breast, as it’s nipple was a bit smaller than the right and I always get less from it pumping. At the moment I’m waiting to see if my prolactin levels come back low — if so I’ll try reglan...
  8. C

    Very low supply — what is reasonable hope for improvement?

    TLDR: I’m 2 weeks 5 days postpartum and produce ~10ml per feed. My baby takes ~100ml of formula after breast feeding. Has anyone seen increases in production in the 5x to 10x range after 3 weeks? We had lots of lactation support in the hospital — I produced colostrum and the baby had a good...