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  1. M

    How is everyone’s LO eating so much at 6-7 weeks?

    @kcollins14 We have this same issue since formula bottles are only good for one hour after she starts drinking from it. There will likely be a learning curve so I’d say start with 2 oz and adjust from there depending on how much she takes. Are mixing and heating requirements? There are lots of...
  2. M

    How is everyone’s LO eating so much at 6-7 weeks?

    @kcollins14 I really wish doctors would be more clear that the feeding amounts and frequencies are just guidelines! Babies aren’t robots, they’re people, and their appetites fluctuate just like ours. My baby is 10 weeks and she still usually can’t eat 3-4 oz in one sitting. She snacks all day...
  3. M

    Would a 10 hour drive be ridiculous with a 2 month old?

    @pragyana Sure did. Almost all of the results that popped up, with the exception of two (which stated yours), still state 2 hours at a time.
  4. M

    Would a 10 hour drive be ridiculous with a 2 month old?

    @pragyana Is this new guidance? I have always heard no more than 2 hours at a time, but I’ve now seen two comments in the past day saying it’s 2 hours total in 24 hours.