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  1. X

    Ovulation is a no good capital LOSER

    @abby1234 My "baby" is 17. I'm still getting the horrid ovulation pain (I found out recently that it has an actual name. Mittelschmirz.) and the monthly (approx) bleeding like a stuck pig. I'd like to unsubscribe, thanks.
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    Stop f*cking telling me I’ll change my mind

    @i_love_you_lots I got this too. By the time my son was about 10, they stopped hassling me about having another one. I guess they got the "hint" that it wasn't going to happen by then. Kiddo is 18 now.
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    I’m scared of my husband going back to work on Monday

    @marialavender Just a tip from someone who has worked in hospitals: do not ever google your symptoms. It never ever says "take a couple of paracetamol and you'll be fine ". It's always "you have a horrific fatal disease" or it's cancer.
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    Having a toddler = living under a dictator

    @igrace yup. When my son was a toddler he was a door opener. Visits with my friend were a nightmare because her daughter was a door closer. It was like the unstoppable force meets the immovable object, and it always ended with BOTH of them losing their shit. I do not miss the baby or toddler years.