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  1. S

    Is it too late to do OPOL? Baby is 9 months

    @misterxyz Not too late at all. Kids can learn languages to a totally native/fluent/no accent level up to around age 6. But the sooner you start the better. Baby brains start to solidify the phonemes/sounds they can differentiate in spoken language by around 6mo, so you’d want to start as soon...
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    How old were your children when they began to use words in different languages for the same thing or concept?

    @kairete Your experience sounds about like ours. Same age & in a similar situation. Both parents speak & understand both languages. Mom natively speaks the “minority” language exclusively to kid while dad speaks mostly native English and some minority language. Community language is English &...
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    What to expect of a bilingual 2-year old?

    @newbelieverinchrist I’d say it’s likely this. A 2y.o. is typically just beginning to be really vocal at “longer phrases/full sentence” level anyway. They’re absolute sponges for language though & taking it all in, so the more exposure the better. Only 2-3hrs a night and weekends sounds like...
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    Do bilingual kids feel left out at school?

    @lippy1004 Would be more of a concern if you were moving somewhere with a kid who’s older than maybe 10 years old. Older kids have a harder time learning a new language vs infants & toddlers - but they still manage. At 1y.o. already in an English-speaking community, no, it won’t be an issue...
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    "Teaching" Foreign Language if not fluent?

    @thomaswhitetw We’re English-German OPOL, but both speak/understand passable intermediate Spanish & Mandarin, so we just kinda introduce those as we go, when the context makes sense. We watch “Coco” in Spanish only and have a few other books, songs, etc. Same in Mandarin. Mostly just for the...
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    Wife feeling excluded

    @jakeranco I specifically addressed potential pp stress & related factors, literally in the next sentence. OP needs to be empathetic. I don’t - I don’t live w/them. Her complaints are irrational and are unreasonable to OP, indicating some other concerns/causes besides language choice that they...
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    Wife feeling excluded

    @x902xxipher 1) This is the best chance for your wife to finally learn German too, alongside your daughter. 2) At 6 weeks what could you possibly be saying that she “feels left out of”? Your kid literally doesn’t understand or respond at all yet. This justification is weird. 3) We do OPOL...
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    Multilingual + Baby Sign Language Anyone?

    @kingdomconsul We tried from maybe 6-18mo. Both parents got up to using maybe a dozen signs and saying the words in our respective languages. But aside from “more” “food” and “milk” our kiddo never really took to it and started talking instead anyway. We just sort of stopped once we were...
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    24 months - when to intervene?

    @andylondon 2y.o. is typically kind of the start of language explosion. Definitely seems a bit too early to worry about it. At 2 ours had a decent command of ~50ish(?) words and some short phrases/sentences in both languages. The difference from 2 to 3 is astounding. As we approach 3y.o...