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    Low AMH but not ready to start TTC

    @lilkis86 Thanks so much for sharing your story. It helps to not feel alone and to hear positive things from people in a similar boat. It’s hard to not be concerned and worry too much about it, but it does sound like AMH alone doesn’t give the whole picture, which does give me hope. I’m seeing...
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    Low AMH but not ready to start TTC

    @orvillejparker Good luck and peace of mind in your journey TTC!
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    Low AMH but not ready to start TTC

    @alycat Oh really? Interesting! I’ll do some research on that! I ovulate between day 12-14 every cycle, and my luteal phase is usually shorter than normal (11-12 days). I’ll pay attention to which phase, if any, gets longer once I’m started on my new protocol! I’m working with a naturopath on...
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    Low AMH but not ready to start TTC

    @alberto87 That’s exactly how I feel right now, just a lot more urgency and uncertainty about what is the right decision. Don’t want to wait too long and potentially have issues that we could’ve avoided, but don’t want to start too soon and regret not taking more time to really prepare. Sending...
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    Low AMH but not ready to start TTC

    @johnwhite24 Thanks for replying! It’s definitely not the worst news, but definitely wasn’t what I wanted to hear. I’m hoping the supplements can help raise it but that’ll take a few months. I’m glad we caught it early! The not knowing is the hardest part. Just feel conflicted and want to make...
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    Low AMH but not ready to start TTC

    Hi everyone, new to this sub. I’m 30, turning 31 in a few months. I was on the pill for years, and got off in July 2023. My cycles are short (23-26 days) but have been regular ever since coming off the pill, and I am tracking ovulation via LH strips and BBT. I just had my hormones checked, and...