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  1. B

    Doctor said my 6mo needs PT

    @springwillow Yeah based on what your saying, I’m sure he’ll get it soon. You could get the referral process started and not schedule if he starts sitting by himself. If not, it can take awhile to get things going and it wouldn’t be the worst thing to have the process started if he ends up...
  2. B

    What can you get done while baby wearing?

    I have an 8 week old who finally is starting to like napping in our ergobaby. I was soooo excited that I wouldn’t have to do all contact naps sitting on the couch and I might actually be able to get some chores done! Well it turns out all I do is walk around and sway to keep him asleep. I try to...
  3. B

    Doctor said my 6mo needs PT

    @springwillow I’m a peds PT and I would be surprised if I got a referral for a kiddo who couldn’t sit at 7 months. Did she say anything else? It sounds like your LO is meeting their milestones based on your other comments. Any diagnoses like torticollis?