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  1. J

    Gender patterns?

    @daniel1986 I have three, all boys!
  2. J

    TDaP for grandparents?

    @heavensdaughter Absolutely. With #1, I told my parents, in laws, and my siblings that the dr said they need to make sure their tdap boosters are up to date before baby arrives. Only some of them needed boosters, others had their boosters recently enough that they didn’t need it. If anyone else...
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    Pregnant with third, scared!

    @georgiarose Mine are 4.5, 2.5, and 9 weeks. We’re doing alright! For me going from 2-3 has been harder than 1-2 honestly. My older two are inseparable but also constantly fighting. But my 4.5 year old goes to pre-K, my husband was able to take some paternity leave, and I have helpful family...
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    1 year old bday gift

    @ejfan291 Mud kitchen!