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  1. O

    4 months PP

    FMU is completely negative🥳
  2. O

    4 months PP

    Did a 3 hour hold and it’s still negative! Will try again with FMU but I’m hoping it was just bad tests!
  3. O

    4 months PP

    @tvproducer I’m sorry it’s confusing, I’m freaking out. Yeah, the first two were one after another, all the others were 30mins/1hr later. I’ll try again in 3 hours and probably tomorrow morning too
  4. O

    4 months PP

    @donaldbjohnson Posted!
  5. O

    4 months PP

    @donaldbjohnson I will!
  6. O

    4 months PP

    I have a 4 month old son. I’ve been really nauseous and moody lately, and just for the hell of it decided to take a test. I took 2 of the pink dye rapid response tests and got two positives. I then took three more first response tests, two rapids and a digital and all three were negative. I then...