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  1. B

    Did you stop psychedelics usage after you had kid?

    @sheraymonet It is not harder. I was not expecting it. I did not know I was pregnant until 7 months along. I had absolutely no support system. I clawed my way out of destitution, met my husband, got myself in a safe place to raise my son. Prior to the ex knocking me up, I was in emergency...
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    Did you stop psychedelics usage after you had kid?

    @sheraymonet Nope, not at all. And no matter where I am and where my husband is, one of us must be able to rush to the children's aide at any time. Even if the children were with another person, or if one/both of us was away. We are 100% responsible for our minor kids at all times, if there is a...
  3. B

    Did you stop psychedelics usage after you had kid?

    @sheraymonet Yeah I stopped after having kids. Now they're older, I can ask my husband to be the sober one on the one or two times a year I feel like not being in my body. Can't be blitzed if there's a fire and nobody is with it, or a kid needs help
  4. B

    My 8 y/o daughter came out as bi but she doesn’t understand what the means and I need advice

    @raptureman2020 My son came out to me around the same age. I am bi. I told him the same thing. I told his therapist who is also bi. She said it was the right action to take.