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  1. M

    Anyone else’s baby fit into smaller age size in clothes?

    @netty805 Today my 7 month old fit into a 0-3 month shirt. It was a bit snug, but still lol
  2. M

    How do I emotionally survive my 4 mo’s shots?

    @davidschmitt Do you breastfeed? Nursing during my daughter’s shots helped both of us a ton.
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    Need encouragement… Dr wants me to stop BF, close to failure to thrive, slow gain

    @kars I’m so sorry, you might have to supplement with formula for a little while, while you build supply. Let baby nurse as much as they want, supplement with formula and power pump often.
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    Need encouragement… Dr wants me to stop BF, close to failure to thrive, slow gain

    @kars Have you tried power pumping? To help build supply as well?
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    Need encouragement… Dr wants me to stop BF, close to failure to thrive, slow gain

    @kars I’d definitely do a weighted feed if you have t already so you can see how much baby is actually grtting
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    Best time and age to attempt transferring naps to cot

    @eric2015 I wanted to be able to take a shower but I could only really do so if my husband was home, otherwise even I had her in the bathroom with me she would end up crying like 5 mins in so I would get out. I really wanted a full length shower not at 6 pm or a weekend lol. Her best nap is...
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    Best time and age to attempt transferring naps to cot

    @eric2015 We just started with ny 5 month old, we usually try for one nap a day and contact nap for the other 2/3. She usually has a false start and I have to go back and either rock her/nurse her back to sleep but then we can get 45-1.5 hour nap!