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  1. E

    Trying for a baby as a young couple?

    @light3 I live in the US and want to cry when I hear how well other countries take care of parents and families. I'll be lucky if I can take 12 weeks off, and I definitely won't be paid most or all of the time I do it. I'm so glad Germany takes care of its people; I wish the USA didn't hate...
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    Trying for a baby as a young couple?

    @kca741979 I came here to say this too. My husband is a Ph.D. student, and we're planning to try next year while he's still in school. He'll be done with his classes and working on his dissertation. He will have a ton of flexibility with his schedule since he won't have classes. A lot of people...
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    Trying for a baby as a young couple?

    @caringsoul I agree. I don't like the way the doctor discussed OP's fertility with her. OP, please consider a second or third opinion. Some doctors also have the attitude that if you have a condition like endo or PCOS it means pregnancy is near impossible, but that's not true.
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    23f cannot wait to start a family (hoping to start TTC this year)

    @sam81 Like others have said, get married first. You should have those legal protections in place before you have a child. Also, please think about the choice to be a SAHM. There is absolutely nothing wrong with be a SAHM (and it has a lot of benefits), but you are very young. If something...
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    23f cannot wait to start a family (hoping to start TTC this year)

    @sashakasha Telling her to go on BC to treat her thoughts isn't healthy or useful either.
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    23f cannot wait to start a family (hoping to start TTC this year)

    @sashakasha OP could be neurodivergent and dealing with hyperfixation/hyperfocus. I'm ND and just decided I want a kid. I've been obsessed with all things pregnancy and parenting. This is a part of my disability, and it's okay. The fixation will die down with time. I obviously don't know her...
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    Worried about setbacks

    @chrisjohnstonone That's awesome you're in the UK. Sorry for writing my comment through an American healthcare hellscape lens lol. IMHO you should stick to your timeline and start trying in Feb. There's a good chance you won't get pregnant right away since you have fertility issues. And if you...
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    Worried about setbacks

    @chrisjohnstonone Do you work? If so, it's not like y'all are without any income or health insurance. If you're not employed, it might be worth discussing a delay and setting a timeline for what that delay would be. If he did lose his job and y'all didn't have insurance, that would be cause for...
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    Worried about setbacks

    @katrina2017 This ^^ especially. His anxieties about getting pregnant when he doesn't have a job are valid, but delaying conception until everything is perfect could mean OP's getting pregnant older than she would prefer. I hope she feels empowered to listen to him but voice her fears and...
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    My best advice from the other side

    @cisty Thanks for sharing! Can you talk more about how you built mental resilience and patience? I have ADHD and a low frustration threshold--this is one of my biggest concerns with kids because I know you have to be patient as a parent, but patience is not one of my virtues. If you have any...
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    Freezing your eggs? Non-monogamy curiosity?

    @neophyte365 Talk to your husband first, then talk to a doctor about freezing your eggs. It's entirely possible requesting ENM will nuke your relationship with your hubby, so kids may not be on your mind if that happens. And if he is open to it, then you're going to want to prioritize figuring...
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    Freezing your eggs? Non-monogamy curiosity?

    @greenrock This, OP. ^^