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  1. R

    Logistics going from 1 to 2

    @skitnik I feel like I may have to do something similar with calling days, if we do end up with a second. I have heard that having 2 kids isn't twice the work, but 10 times the work. So part of logistics is coming to terms with how hard that would be.
  2. R

    Logistics going from 1 to 2

    @rox485 This is very reassuring. I don't have anyone in my circle that has/had this situation. Most with 2 kids or more are SAHMs. I definitely do already feel prepared to do some things differently now I know more and have gotten comfortable with all there is in being a parent.
  3. R

    Logistics going from 1 to 2

    My husband and I have been fence sitting for ages on a second but we had a conversation that is leaning more towards it being a "yes". In our hearts we definitely both want a second but the logistics and financial burdens are feeling a bit much. I'm finding myself trying to figure out the...