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  1. I

    Elective C-section v. vaginal birth

    @saroula Good luck, you'll get a lot of information, just be sure to weigh the pros and cons of each! Then you'll feel comfortable with the decision you make knowing you had all the info. But note if you have a c-section you will be equally affected by short-staffed problems as it's the same...
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    Elective C-section v. vaginal birth

    @kennethparsons That's true. With a scheduled c-section there is less urgency compared to women giving birth vaginally or having emergency c-sections so you'll get pushed back until they have time. That's what happened to me, I had the luck of having to wait for FIVE other women to give birth...
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    8 month old suddenly waking 4-6x a night after months of being a “good sleeper.” What am I doing wrong?

    @jimhempel No advice, just commiseration and sympathy. Our 8 month phase was hell. Just try to survive imo
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    Raising child trilingual (OPOL) when parents don’t speak each others language

    @pollyton Hi, a few points... Your son is only 1.5 so it's very early to judge or test. I would encourage you both to not test him (with questions like "what is this") too often, but rather if you detect he's not getting something, just repeat it in context, like "oh that's a BALL, you want the...
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    Elective C-section v. vaginal birth

    @saroula He should be afraid of complications from a c-section too then. I had a planned c-section in Germany and let me tell you, recovery was NOT fun. I had pain for weeks after and couldn't do anything. Usually vaginal recovery is much faster which is nicer for mum and there are lots of...
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    How do deal with limits of OPOL for a non native speaker?

    @fireblaze Here to provide solidarity - this is exactly my situation! We have Saturday school that I've enrolled kiddo in, giving no pressure so far except to enjoy it, also travel when you can and get your parents/extended mandarin speaking family to input should help. Unfortunately no...
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    Multilingual Family Struggles: Balancing 4 languages at home. How do you do it?

    @aldredian I agree with cutting out the language of school/the living environment and focusing on minority languages within the family (whether you're physically at home or outside)